Table of Contents:
Career change Case study method Cerebral localization Characteristics of the creative process Charisma Cognitive approach Cognitive style Collaboration Communicativeness Compensation Competition Compliance Componential model Condensation Conformity Consensual assessment Constant probability of success Continuum of adaptive creative behaviour Contrarianism Converging thinking Creative audience [Creative class] Creative ecosystem Creative environment Creative industries Creative person Creative process Creative product Creative productivity Creative seeds Creative services Creativity and leadership Creativity as a cultural construction Creativity research Creativity techniques Creativity: a history of the word Creativogenic society Creatology Curiosity |
Creative classCreative class is a term coined by Florida (2002) to describe a leading social class in post-industrial society in which creativity has became the driving force of economic and cultural growth. Florida (2002) described the class structure in the U.S. in the 1990s as follows: Creative class (including Super-Creative Class and a broader group of creative professionals), Working Class, Service Class and Agricultural Class. According to Florida (2002: 69), the Super-Creative Core of Creative Class includes "scientists and engineers, actors, designers and architects, as well as the thought leaders of modern society: nonfiction writers, editors, cultural figures, think-tank researchers, analysts and other opinion-makers, " whose economic function is "to create new ideas, new technology and/or new creative content" (ibid.: 8). Creative professionals include people engaged in complex problem solving that involves a great deal or independent judgement and requires high levels of education and human capital. Florida (2002) estimated that members of the creative class make up 38 percent of the nation's workforce in the U.S. He emphasized the creative ethos shared by the creative class and focused on unequal distribution of creativity between creative and uncreative areas (the concept of 'creative cities') and within creative epicentres between creative and service workers.
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