Table of Contents:
Career change Case study method Cerebral localization Characteristics of the creative process Charisma Cognitive approach Cognitive style Collaboration Communicativeness Compensation Competition Compliance Componential model Condensation [Conformity] Consensual assessment Constant probability of success Continuum of adaptive creative behaviour Contrarianism Converging thinking Creative audience Creative class Creative ecosystem Creative environment Creative industries Creative person Creative process Creative product Creative productivity Creative seeds Creative services Creativity and leadership Creativity as a cultural construction Creativity research Creativity techniques Creativity: a history of the word Creativogenic society Creatology Curiosity |
ConformityAction in accordance with customs, rules, prevailing opinions, etc.; conventional behaviour (Webster). Action in accordance with some standard, e.g. with law, order, wishes, fashion; compliance, acquiescence (OED). As it was shown by research, conformity and creativity are largely incompatible because people who tend to conform to group opinions and beliefs are usually motivated by extrinsic motives and escape taking risk connected with originality. (Crutchfield, 1962; Moustakas, 1967; Sternberg and Lubart, 1995; Sheldon, 1999)
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