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Negus and Pickering (2004) define creativity in terms of communication of experience. They point out that "the creative experience is something that is intensely felt" and that it "requires a will to expression, and to communication with others" (Negus and Pickering, 2004: 22). Experience is not something which comes prior to or which simply follows artistic expression and communication. On the contrary, "our experience of the world is shaped and given significance by the act of creation, and that our understanding of the world is realized through the process of communication.... The contours and characteristics of experience are given form, meaning and value through the process of expression and communication" (ibid.). The creative act is not completed until the expressed experience is communicated to others: "Experience is not realised, is not given meaning and significance, until it has achieved its communicative form. Achieving this form in ways that reach others and resonate within their own experience completes the creative process" (ibid., 23). Creativity, understood as communicative experience, is a relational process which cannot be confined to the artist or cultural producer alone. Instead, "it is an intersubjective and interactive dialogue bringing its participants together in the activity of interpretation, exchange and understanding" (ibid.).

Experience. Dictionary of Creativity: Terms, Concepts, Theories & Findings in Creativity Research / Compiled and edited by Eugene Gorny., 2007.
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